Welcome to Coco Bay Page 12
She glances at the clock on the wall. “You were gone for a while.” She grins devilishly. “Spending time alone with Mr. McHottie for a few hours must have been nice.”
There’s a small part of me that wants to share what happened just now, but the fewer people who know about it, the better. I’ve always been the kind of person to keep news to myself, so I think I do a pretty good job of maintaining a straight face.
“We were just loading appliances into some of the rooms. It was raining too hard to come back before now.”
“Uh-huh. And what would Lani think if she knew?”
“Did someone just say my name?”
I spin around and see Lani coming down the stairs. I instantly feel guilty, even though I know she’s not with Noah anymore and has already moved on to someone else.
Sasha coughs. “I was just saying I wonder how you’d react if we snuck into the day spa to take a peek before you did your big reveal.”
She frowns. “Don’t you dare even joke about it. I have it locked for a reason, and I don’t need anyone going in and ruining everything before it’s finished.” She goes over to the fridge to retrieve a bottle of juice.
“Has Noah had a look yet?” she asks.
“No. He can check it out along with everyone else.”
“Ooh, harsh. I wouldn’t want to be your boyfriend,” Sasha teases.
“Well, Noah is no longer mine, so he doesn’t get any preferential treatment from here on out.” She pours herself a glass, acting as if she didn’t just drop a bombshell on Sasha.
Sasha’s eyes widen, and she shoots me an accusing look. “Did you know about this?” she mouths.
I pretend not to understand her and start chopping onions. “Jeez, these things are making my eyes water.”
Lani looks at the pizza bases with disdain. “I won’t be eating here tonight, so don’t include me in your headcount.”
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business.” She swallows her juice in a couple of mouthfuls and puts the glass in the sink. She gives us a girly wave and heads outside. “Don’t wait up, girls.”
Once Lani is out of earshot, Sasha turns on me. “Okay, spill.”
“You knew, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Noah did tell me while we were unpacking, but I didn’t think it was my place to say anything.”
“Hey, I know you’re part of management and all, but you need to tell me when stuff like this happens. Especially when it changes everything.” She lowers her voice. “You can go after Noah now, and once I finally get the courage to ask out Dash, we can double date.”
I laugh. “Um, no. That can’t happen for the precise reason you just said. I’m part of management, so I can’t get involved with staff.”
“I’m not letting you off that easily. We’ll find a way around the rules. You just leave it with me.”
I raise an eyebrow but don’t argue further. I worry if I do, I’ll accidentally let slip what happened after Noah told me he’d broken up with Lani.
And that can definitely not become public news.
On Friday, Lani calls us all over to the day spa for the official unveiling. I am feeling a bunch of mixed emotions and hope the evening isn’t a complete disaster. Not that I have an attachment to the outcome anymore. Lani has been parading Pete around the island like a new pet puppy, so everyone knows our relationship is over. The reactions have been interesting, with most of the staff quietly admitting they’re glad I’m not with her anymore. Although, it was always obvious Dash didn’t like her, and he was very vocal with his relief that we’re no longer together.
I help Monty carry sparkling wine and hors d’oeuvres over to a table set up outside. All the staff are here, as well as the construction guys.
Even though I can see no one is particularly excited about the impending reveal, Lani is acting like Anne Hathaway at the Oscars, swanning around with a beatific smile on her face.
I gulp down a glass of wine and quickly pick up another.
Emily comes over, and I instantly feel more at ease. This woman…there’s just something about her that makes the world seem better.
She picks up a glass and starts sipping. “Are you ready?” she asks.
“No. But I suppose putting it off isn’t going to make it any easier.”
“How do you think everyone will respond?”
“I have no idea.” I glance over and see Lani holding hands with Pete. I want to do the same with Emily, but I know we can’t. For a start, Emily made it clear we shouldn’t be involved at all. And she hasn’t mentioned the kiss we shared. I hope that doesn’t mean she regrets it happened, because I don’t, even though I thought I would.
Our eyes meet, and she smiles, but she doesn’t say anything.
Calvin makes an appearance, looking like he wishes he were anywhere else right now.
“Let’s get this thing over with,” he says to Lani.
Her expression doesn’t falter, and she clinks her glass with a spoon to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, people, I think I’ve kept you waiting long enough. Thank you all for coming tonight. It’s been a labour of love, renovating this day spa over the past couple of months. I’ve had a wonderful construction team…” She pauses to give them a little clap, encouraging everyone else to clap too. I can’t help but remember her bitching about their lack of progress just the other week. At least she doesn’t do anything puke-inducing like acknowledge Pete specifically.
“…and they’ve helped my dream come to fruition. So, without further ado, I invite you to explore Coco Bay’s newest day spa: Leilani’s.”
I roll my eyes and look at Emily. “Ego trip, much?” I mouth. Leilani is actually Lani’s real name, and I suppose it does mean heavenly flower—which is fitting for an island day spa—but still.
She slaps my arm playfully. “Stop it.”
Lani has set up a ribbon between two crowd-control posts and makes a big deal about cutting it. Everyone politely claps again, and Lani ushers us all in. “Go on, go on. Please.”
Emily and I hang back and let everyone else go in first. I prepare my polite, neutral expression, ready to paste on as soon as I enter and listen for the initial reactions.
“This is very…unique,” Monty says.
“Isn’t it?” Lani says, clearly mistaking his stilted tone for approval.
“What made you choose this colour scheme?” Allie asks in a similarly robotic voice.
“I was inspired by a little place I know in Tokyo,” Lani gushes.
I frown. What is she talking about? Lani has never been to Tokyo. I tilt my head towards the entrance. “Shall we?”
Emily nods, and we make our way in. It’s even more disconcerting than I remember. Maybe because it’s dark outside, which means the purple lighting makes everything feel like we’re in a spaceship. And Lani has added to the décor, with vivid purple reeds in black jars, and a huge black rug printed with purple lines crisscrossing each other.
I look at Cal to see what he makes of it all, but he doesn’t even seem to notice his surroundings. He’s drinking wine and staring back out the door. I can’t help myself and wander over to him.
“What do you think?” I ask.
He waves a hand dismissively. “Yeah, whatever. It’s fine.”
I frown. “You seem a little distracted.”
“I just don’t have the patience for this crap.”
“And what crap would that be?”
“Rebuilding. Cocktail nights. All of it. I just want to get back to doing the job I was hired to do.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess we all feel like that. We’re looking forward to reopening…”
“I have to go.”
He strides off, my sentence not even finished.
Okay, then. I shrug and turn back to the rest of the room. Sasha and Emily are talking, so I head over to them.
a has her hand over her mouth. “Oh my God. This is hideous. It’s hideous, right?”
Both Emily and I nod.
“What on earth was she thinking?”
“I’m just relieved Cal didn’t seem to mind it,” I say.
“But surely we can’t keep it like this, can we? I mean, look!” She points to a lava lamp on the counter filled with floating purple blobs.
I shrug. “It’s not really up to us.”
“But the customers are going to be totally weirded out. It doesn’t fit here on the island.”
I put my finger to my lips to tell her to keep it down. I can see Lani looking at us.
Sasha quickly spins around. “I need more to drink.”
She takes off to the bar, leaving me and Emily standing together. Lani gives me a strange look before finding Pete, grabbing his hand, and dragging him over to us. I am not ready for this.
“So, Noah, what do you think?”
I almost ask whether she wants my opinion on the day spa or her new choice of partner. Pete refuses to make eye contact with me. Before he hooked up with Lani, we got along pretty well, but I think he must understand that sleeping with her the night we broke up wasn’t exactly the coolest thing to do.
“It’s different to what I expected,” I say.
“I know. I think the customers will be impressed we’re moving with the times.” She turns to Emily. “You’ve been quiet. What do you think?”
“I…uh…it’s nice,” she says politely.
“Damn right, it’s nice. And it’s lucky I’m friends with Jervis Langley. He was kind enough to loan me some of his artwork. Normally, he only displays in national galleries.”
“That’s very generous of him.”
I notice Emily’s glass is empty, so I gently touch her lower back and lean in. “Do you want another drink?”
I don’t realise what I’ve done until I see Lani staring at me, and then at Emily, and back again. A knowing smile crosses her face, but it’s not a nice one.
“Enjoying my cast-offs?” she says to Emily.
Emily’s face closes down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you do. You know, it’s interesting timing, having you show up just before Noah and I broke up.”
“What exactly are you implying?” Emily snaps.
“Let’s just say Noah wasn’t the only one to enjoy a little extracurricular activity in the last few weeks.”
I almost choke on my tongue. Pete shrugs. “Sorry, dude. I’m…uh…” He doesn’t even finish his sentence and makes a hasty retreat.
I stare at Lani. “You cheated on me?”
“Well, you cheated on me!”
“No, I didn’t! There is nothing going on between me and Emily.”
She narrows her eyes at Emily. “Her facial expression says otherwise.”
I glance at Emily, who is blushing. Damn it.
I lower my voice. “We kissed once, and it was after you and I broke up, okay? But that’s it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Believe what you want, but I am telling you I never cheated. I think you just want a reason to justify your own shitty actions.”
She huffs. “Whatever.” She turns to leave but looks at Emily first. “Good luck with that. As you’ve probably already found out, he’s lousy in bed. Let me know when it’s over, and we’ll bond over how terrible the sex was.”
Jesus. I can’t believe I was with that woman for so long. She’s evil.
And it appears Emily agrees. Her face darkens, and she steps forward to block her path. “Don’t you ever talk to me or Noah like that again. I am your manager, and I will have you fired if you show any disrespect.”
Lani chuckles. “Noted.”
Emily storms off, and I follow her. I hear Lani continuing to laugh behind us. Ugh. How is it possible to go from wanting to marry someone to hating them in such a short period of time?
I find Emily outside, partway down the track leading to the staff quarters.
“Emily. Wait!”
She slows down but doesn’t stop.
I finally catch up with her. “Are you okay? I am so sorry about that…”
“I shouldn’t have let her get to me.”
“Hey, it’s all right. She knows how to push people’s buttons.”
“Yeah, but I threatened to fire her, and I’m not sure that was professional behaviour on my part. I’m not even officially a manager yet, but when I am, I won’t have the authority to terminate someone’s role just because they said something stupid outside of work hours.”
“Forget about it. She’s not worth the energy.”
“I can’t believe she admitted to cheating on you.”
I run my hands through my hair. “Yeah, that was a bit of a shock, I have to admit.”
“And I worry she’s going to use that knowledge about our kiss to her advantage.”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure she’ll find a way.”
“Let’s just pretend tonight didn’t happen, okay?”
She stops and looks up at me. “I’m sorry for my part in all this.”
“Hey, hey. Please don’t feel bad.” I gently hold the sides of her face, so she has to make direct eye contact with me. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
She swallows. “But I kissed you…”
“I’m pretty sure it was a mutual decision. And just to prove it to you…” I slowly walk her backwards off the path so that she’s pressed against a nearby tree and kiss her again.
She laughs, even though our mouths are still connected. “This is just making it worse.”
“Sorry, I can’t help myself.”
Her body softens, and she pulls me closer. I groan, feeling her tongue gently tease mine, and I wish we weren’t outside, or at least, not mere feet from my ex-girlfriend and all the people we work with.
But even if we could sneak away, how would this work? Emily has made it clear she’s concerned about her being my manager. And even though I have no residual romantic feelings for Lani, I do feel like I’m still dealing with the fallout.
Why does life have to be so difficult?
I reluctantly pull away. “I should walk you back to the staff quarters.”
She sighs. “You’re right. This can’t happen again.”
“What, you mean ever?”
“Probably not while I’m your manager.”
“Well, that kind of sucks.”
“It does.”
“In that case, I’m just going to do this.”
I start planting small kisses along her neck and up to her ear, slowly moving back towards her mouth. I don’t think I can physically stay away from this woman forever, so I’m going to make it difficult for her as well.
“You’re playing dirty,” she whispers.
“Good. That way, we can both be frustrated.”
She laughs and ducks under my arm, skipping off. “Noah Hawkins, you are going to be the death of me.”
I watch her leave, thinking the same of her.
But I kind of like it.
All weekend, I daydream about my kisses with Noah, but I also avoid him where possible. I don’t want to be tempted again, especially when I’m supposed to be on my best behaviour after the puking incident.
But it was so, so fantastic. While being with Emmet was nice, there definitely weren’t as many sparks as with Noah. And I can barely remember kissing Seb now. It’s almost as if that was someone else’s life.
Damn it. Why do I have to be Noah’s boss?
I head to reception on Monday morning, ready to hang out with Sasha and attack our latest list of tasks. There are only twelve days until opening, and it’s very clear we’re not making the progress we need to, so today, Sasha and I are going to isolate areas of the resort that we’ll restrict during opening week. Yesterday, I spent some time studying a map of the island and tried to draw some log
ical boundaries. I’m thinking we might be able to erect some fencing constructed of brushwood or bamboo across paths to some of the more rundown facilities.
When I reach the front counter, I see Lani sitting on a nearby stool, obviously waiting for someone.
I contemplate pretending I was heading elsewhere, but I don’t want her thinking I’m intimidated by her.
“Hey, Emily,” she sing-songs.
“How was your weekend?”
“Okay. Thank you for asking.”
What is going on?
“This is where you ask me how mine was.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t understand the rules. Lani, how was your weekend?” I ask flatly.
“It was quite enlightening, actually. I happened to stumble upon an interesting news story on Google that featured you.”
“Is that right?” I try to maintain an outer calm, but inside I’m starting to feel uneasy.
“Yes. Apparently, there was an Australian tourism director living in Vancouver who was fired for selling trade secrets.”
My heart sinks. “I didn’t do it, but I’m sure that won’t stop you from telling everyone.”
“It’s only fair you pay the price for your greedy behaviour. Especially since you’ve been put in a position of authority here.”
“Do what you must.” I turn around and walk away. There’s no point negotiating with people like Lani. And I kind of expected the news to come out eventually anyway. I just didn’t think it would be this soon. Or with Lani making the discovery.
I head back to my room for the second time in nine days, prepared to leave. It was fun while it lasted. Freakin’ Ryan Franco! I wish I was able to prove my innocence, but I’m not sure how when Aurora Tourism Marketing refuses to acknowledge I even exist. And now I’ll be stuck working crappy low-paying jobs forever because Ryan screwed me over.
I’m pretty sure Cal won’t give me a second chance after he already got Bruce to change his mind about firing me last time.
Ugh! This is so unfair. I stomp up the stairs and down the hall to my room.
I throw myself on the bed and mope. I can’t face anyone right now. Although, there is one person who would understand what I’m going through. Emmet. While I don’t think we were meant to be romantically linked in the long term, I still consider him a friend. I check the time and see it would be afternoon in Vancouver. Hopefully, he isn’t in the middle of a nursing shift or with his girlfriend.